If you have never had acupuncture you may feel a bit wary about having needles pressed into your skin. Thankfully, it is not a painful procedure and has been studied and practiced for more than 2,500 years.

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine based approach to treating many different conditions by triggering specific points on the skin with needles. Pure WellbeingCo founder and director, ShuQuan Liu,Doctor of TCMA, said acupuncture stimulated the immune system by promoting circulation to the area.

He uses acupuncture to stimulate areas of the skin surface to influence tissues, glands, organs and other functions of the body.

ShuQuan Liu,Doctor of TCMA, an expert in Chinese medicine, said acupuncture was designed to relieve pain or discomfort by opening up the patient’s energy flow.

“At PureWellbeingCo, acupuncture aims to help people achieve balance – the invisible life giving force called qi – which can provide relief for some ailments,” he said.

Want to know more? Call our Pure WellbeingCo clinic at Bondi Junction to find out about acupuncture.